Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Kepala Kajian:
Prani Sastiono, Ph.D.

Ekonomi Kesehatan, Inklusi Keuangan dan Keuangan Digital, Pembangunan Ekonomi, dan Ekonomi Perilaku.

Kajian Transformasi Digital dan Studi Perilaku (DTBS)

Tujuan keseluruhan dari kelompok riset ini adalah untuk mempelajari perkembangan ekonomi digital di Indonesia serta mempelajari perilaku agen ekonomi menggunakan metode eksperimental. Selama bertahun-tahun, studi kami telah digunakan untuk menginformasikan, mendukung, dan mengevaluasi pembuatan kebijakan di bidang ekosistem digital, terutama e-commerce, inklusi keuangan, dan sistem pembayaran, antara lain.

Proyek Unggulan

Berikut adalah beberapa publikasi unggulan dari penelitian ini:

Nama KlienNama ProyekKesimpulan
Price WaterHouse Cooper (PWC)
The Economic Impact of Screen Industries in Indonesia (Netflix)
The screen industry plays a significant role in various countries, particularly in driving economic growth. This contribution is inseparable from the rapid development of investments in the screen industry. The study "The Economic Impact of the Screen Industry in Indonesia" is specifically aimed at understanding how the screen industry contributes to the Indonesian economy. The modeling uses a multiplier effect approach with two impact transmissions: the direct impact of the screen industry and the indirect impact of transactions in the screen industry on other economic sectors. Economic impact calculations are conducted on two sub-sectors of the creative economy used as proxies for the screen industry: the Film, Animation, and Video sub-sector, as well as the TV and Radio sub-sector, which are included in the Creative Economy Statistics of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Based on the multiplier figures for these sub-sectors, the study finds that an additional investment of IDR1 billion in the Film, Animation, and Video sub-sector can increase the national economic output by IDR1.38 billion. Similarly, in the TV and Radio sub-sector, a IDR1 billion increase in investment can result in a IDR1.43 billion increase in the value of the national economic output. Overall, the economic impact of the screen industry is projected to reach IDR364 trillion in economic output, IDR228 trillion in GDP, and 959 thousand job opportunities by 2027. These estimates of economic impact indicate that increased investment can create significant benefits for the Indonesian economy as a whole.
Penyusunan Dan Pengukuran Indeks Transformasi Digital Nasional
Digital transformation, defined as a shift in how companies leverage technology to develop new digital business models and create added value, is one of the key success factors for Indonesia's long-term development. Although Indonesia generally has significant potential in the digital economy, digital transformation is a broad, gradual concept involving various actors in digitization. This study aims to calculate and analyze the National Digital Transformation Index (TDN) of Indonesia at the provincial and national levels for the period 2018-2022. The calculation of the national Digital Transformation Index (TDN) is an effort to measure the progress of digital transformation at the national and provincial levels as a basis for effective and inclusive government decision-making and policies to support the success of Indonesia's national development.

The TDN calculation is based on the Digital Transformation Index (DTI) framework from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). TDN evaluates Indonesia's level of adaptation, both at the national and provincial levels, to digital technology comprehensively, considering five pillars: Network and Infrastructure, Government, Business, Society, and Ecosystem, as well as three stages of digital transformation: Foundation, Adoption, and Acceleration. Data forming the National Digital Transformation Index (TDN) comes from secondary sources from government and private institutions and primary sources, including household surveys, company surveys, regional government data, and Ministry/Agency data.

The study finds that at the national level, there is an increase in the TDN Index score from year to year. The highest increase occurred during the period from 2019 to 2020 as a result of the global pandemic situation. Looking ahead, although the TDN index score for the foundation stage is relatively high, it is a priority for Indonesia to increase foreign investment, especially those driving innovation, worker productivity, research and development spending, and technology value-added to transform the Business pillar, which has the lowest score. At the provincial level, the study finds that all provinces experienced an increase in TDN Index scores during the period 2018-2022, reflecting digital transformation progress across all provinces. DKI Jakarta is the province with the highest TDN Index score during the analysis period. The study suggests key improvements for digital transformation at the provincial level, including promoting new technology investment, streamlining licensing processes, fiscal incentives, legal protection, and government-university-private sector collaboration.

Proyek Penelitian Terdahulu

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