Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Kepala Kajian:
Dra. Budi Sulistyowati, MA

Community development, Corporate social responsibility

Kajian Rekayasa Sosial dan Pengembangan Komunitas (SECE)

Kelompok ini memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 18 tahun dalam melakukan berbagai studi terkait pemetaan sosial, pembuatan rencana aksi, dan pelaksanaan program pemberdayaan masyarakat, terutama di daerah di mana perusahaan minyak dan gas serta tambang beroperasi. Selain itu, tujuan kelompok ini adalah membantu berbagai perusahaan dalam melaksanakan program pemberdayaan masyarakat dan menyelaraskan berbagai program dengan pemerintah setempat, dalam bentuk membantu perusahaan mengembangkan rencana induk untuk pembangunan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat serta rencana strategis mereka.

Selain melakukan proses konsultasi untuk berbagai program pemberdayaan masyarakat, kelompok ini juga melaksanakan berbagai program pelatihan bagi instansi pemerintah dan perusahaan swasta untuk meningkatkan kapasitas karyawan mereka dalam berbagai proses pemberdayaan masyarakat. Berbagai kasus yang dibahas dalam proses pelatihan adalah kasus nyata dan terkini dari studi yang dilakukan. Proses pelatihan menekankan pada pembelajaran interaktif (berorientasi pada orang dewasa) dan pembelajaran penemuan (peserta belajar secara aktif).

Proyek Unggulan

Berikut adalah beberapa publikasi unggulan dari penelitian ini:

Nama KlienNama ProyekKesimpulan
PT Freeport Indonesia
Rencana Induk Program Pemberdayaan dan Pengembangan Masyarakat (RIPPM) PTFIThe Community Development and Empowerment Program of PTFI (PT Freeport Indonesia) serves as a key driver for PTFI's business operations, aligning with its operational plans. It is also a part of the company's social responsibility initiatives aimed at the local community surrounding the company to achieve sustainable development goals. This social responsibility serves as the company's effort to secure social approval for its operations and ensure compliance with relevant legislation.

In 2018, the government issued Ministerial Regulation (PerMen) of Energy and Mineral Resources number 25 of 2018, as well as Ministerial Decree (KepMen) of Energy and Mineral Resources number 1824 of 2018. In compliance with these regulations, companies are mandated to have a Master Plan for Community Development and Empowerment Program (RIPPM). This document serves as a guide for the implementation of the Community Development and Empowerment Program and outlines the program's activities during and after the mining operation (subject to revision every five years), along with guidelines for annual plans.

LPEM FEB UI (Research Center for Society and Culture, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia) assists PTFI in developing the RIPPM document using qualitative research methods. Data is gathered through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions with relevant stakeholders to align the RIPPM with the community's needs and adjust it according to the Regional Development Plans established by the Mimika Regency Government (RPJPD and RPJMD).

The RIPPM serves as a reference for the implementation of social investments through annual Community Empowerment and CSR activities, as well as strategic plans extending into the post-mining period. The document is expected to provide an effective framework for managing social risks and opportunities within PTFI's operational environment, in the Mimika Regency, and in the Papua Province. In its application, this master plan considers the historical context of operations, the anticipated impacts of future projects, risks, opportunities, and the capabilities of PTFI and partner institutions to engage with the community in line with the standards expected by PT Freeport Indonesia. FW/PTFI-RIPPM-2019
World BankWomen Empowerment in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Indonesia Pilot Project in Sekotong, Lombok BaratWomen Empowerment Program in Small-Scale Gold Mining (SSGM): Sekotong, West Lombok (Pilot Project)

The widespread use of mercury in various locations of Small-Scale Gold Mining (SSGM) in Indonesia is a growing concern. According to research by BaliFokus, Sekotong in the West Lombok Regency is identified as one of the areas with the highest mercury exposure in Indonesia.

The objective of the study conducted by LPEM (Research Center for Society and Culture): mapping the social life around the Sekotong SSGM area, followed by developing action plans related to alternative employment, prevention and mitigation of mercury impacts, and establishing a safer and environmentally friendly SSGM regulation.

The research methodology is qualitative, employing data collection techniques such as observation, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and literature reviews. Criteria for the study villages include a history of significant SSGM activities, involvement of women in gold processing and trading, presence of mercury exposure impacts, and gold processing at the community level. The selected research villages are Sekotong Tengah, Pelangan, and Buwun Mas.

With the exploration by Newmont and Indotan in 2004-2005, the local community became interested in engaging in traditional/illegal mining. The peak of activities occurred from 2009 to 2013, and currently (as of 2018), only about 10% remain involved. Miners come from outside the Lombok region, including Manado, Tasikmalaya, Kalimantan, and Lampung.

Women play a role in using mercury, primarily as laborers in SSGM, earning between 5,000 to 20,000 per 20-kilogram sack for transporting and crushing stones at home before they are processed in the milling facility. Sometimes they oversee the milling process (adding water), but they are not involved in mercury sales. The income from gold is rarely enjoyed by women and is typically spent by the men.

For women, the presence of gold mines brings more negative impacts than positive ones: high divorce rates, polygamous marriages, infrequent visits from husbands, increased debts (for SSGM capital). There are risks of mercury and cyanide exposure due to the proximity of milling facilities and ponds to residential areas.

For women, the positive impact of SSGM is limited to building houses and, for those who can afford it, as capital for business. Recommendations based on research findings include:

a. Returning to their original livelihoods, such as fishing, farming, and animal husbandry.
b. Developing tourism, either through community-based initiatives or by attracting investors.
c. Exploring legal employment opportunities in the gold mining industry, which is expected to open in the near future.

Proyek Penelitian Terdahulu

Berikut adalah beberapa publikasi terbaru dari penelitian ini:

Tahun PengerjaanNama KlienNama ProyekLama Pengerjaan (dalam hari)
2023-2024PT Freeport IndonesiaBenefit and Impact of PT. FI's Social Investment
2019PT.Emas Mineral MurniPemetaan Sosial dan Pembuatan Rencana Induk di Daerah Operasional PT.Emas Mineral Murni di Kabupaten Nagan Raya dan Kabupaten Aceh Tengah150
2019World BankWomen Empowerment in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Indonesia Pilot Project in Sekotong, Lombok Barat120
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