Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Mohamad Dian Revindo, Ph.D.

(Kepala Pusat Kajian Iklim Usaha dan Rantai Nilai Global)

Revindo menjadi peneliti di LPEM FEB UI sejak tahun 2009, setelah sebelumnya bekerja di PT. Surveyor Indonesia. Minat penelitiannya meliputi Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), Akses Keuangan Mikro, Daya Saing Industri, Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, serta Perdagangan Internasional dan Rantai Nilai Global. Revindo memiliki publikasi akademis yang luas pada bidang-bidang penelitian tersebut baik pada jurnal ilmiah nasional maupun internasional. Revindo meraih gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) pada tahun 2000, memperoleh gelar M.Sc. pada bidang Ilmu Ekonomi (2007) dan MA pada bidang Studi Kawasan Eropa (2008) dari The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgia. Revindo adalah juga penerima New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards (2013-2017) dan memperoleh gelar Ph.D. pada bidang Ekonomi dari Lincoln University di Selandia Baru (2017) dengan disertasi berjudul ‘Internationalisation of Indonesian SMEs’. Selain sebagai peneliti, Revindo merupakan pengajar di Sekolah Pascasarjana Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia (SKSG UI) sejak tahun 2009, tenaga ahli Menteri Perdagangan (tahun 2020), dan tenaga ahli ARISE+, suatu inisiatif peningkatan kapasitas pemerintah dan berbagai pemangku kepentingan Indonesia dalam bidang fasilitasi perdagangan dan investasi yang didanai oleh Uni Eropa.

Minat Penelitian

Ekonomi Internasional, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), Akses Keuangan Mikro, Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif

Publikasi dan Proyek Penelitian

Publikasi Terkini (Recent Publications)

  1. Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Hambali, S. (2024). SME’s export intensity: enhancers, inhibitors and firm characteristics. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1080/08276331.2024.2321433
  2. Revindo, M. D., Munandar, A. I., Praha, R. D., Huda, A., Arrafiff, N. Z. (2024). Peran Industri Input Pertanian dalam Rantai Produksi Pangan Nasional. Nagara Institute.
  3. Sewandono, R. E., Arinanto, S., Hernoko, A. Y., & Revindo, M. D. (2023). The impact of asset specificity and investment collaboration on business performance with mediating of relational and contractual governance: evidence from offshore oil companies in Indonesia. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 16(3), 252-284. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJISM.2023.132188
  4. Nuryakin, C., Susanti, H., Rezki, J. F., Revindo, M. D., Dartanto, T. (2023). Dari LPEM Bagi Indonesia: Agenda Ekonomi dan Masyarakat 2024-2029. LPEM FEB UI White Paper. https://www.lpem.org/id/white-paper-dari-lpem-untuk-indonesia-arah-ekonomi-dan-masyarakat-2024-2029/
  5. Sewandono, R. D., Arinanto, S., Hernoko, A. Y., and Revindo, M. D. (2023). Investment Policy Statement as an Embodiment of Governance Mechanisms: Indonesian Sovereign Wealth Funds Context. Review of Economics and Finance, 21, 2312-2325. https://doi.org/10.55365/1923.x2023.21.247
  6. Ardine, V., Revindo, M. D., Rezki, J. F., & Dewi, C. E. (2023). The impact of logistic performance on intra-ASEAN trade. Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, 24(1), 32-53. https://doi.org/10.18196/jesp.v24i1.16546
  7. Revindo, M. D., Widyasanti, A. A., Nusantoro, N., & Siregar, C. H. (2023). Sports Event Satisfaction and Word-of-Mouth Intention: Evidence from the 2018 Asian Games International Participants and Spectators. E-Journal of Tourism, 10(2), 251-274. https://doi.org/10.24922/eot.v10i2.102208
  8. Revindo, M. D., Iskandar, S. D., Arrafiff, N. Z., Dewi, C. E. (2023). Strategi Kreatif Memacu Ekonomi Kreatif: Kokreasi, Kekayaan Budaya, dan Orientasi Pasar Global. In C. Nuryakin, H. Susanti, J. F. Rezki, M. D. Revindo, and T. Dartanto, (Eds.), Dari LPEM Bagi Indonesia: Agenda Ekonomi dan Masyarakat 2024-2029 (pp. 146-172). LPEM FEB UI.
  9. Revindo, M. D., Praha, R. D., Arrafiff, N. Z., Wikarya, U., Nurkholis,  Iskandar, S. D., Dewi, C. E. (2023). Kedaulatan Pengan, Kedaulatan Bangsa: Tantangan dan Arah Kebijakan Pangan untuk Indonesia Emas. Nagara Institute.
  10. Haryanti, D. M. and Revindo, M. D. (2022). Panduan Persiapan UMKM Go Global: 9 Langkah Terstruktur untuk Go Global dengan Lebih Terencana. Departemen Pengembangan UMKM dan Perlindungan Konsumen, Bank Indonesia.
  11. Gunadi, A. D., Lesmana, H., Fachrizah, H., Revindo, M. D., & Daniswara, R. V. (2022). Dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: MSMEs’ coping strategy, recovery path, and business transformation. Jurnal Ekonomi Indonesia, 11(1), 25-62.  https://doi.org/10.52813/jei.v11i1.195
  12. Wikarya, U., Widyasanti, A. A., Revindo, M. D., Siregar, C. H., & Dewi, C. E. (2022). Impact of International Sports Event on Local Businesses: Insight from the Stallholders and Official Partners of the 2018 Asian Games. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 15(2), 336-353. https://doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v15i2.36216
  13. Riyanto, M. S., Revindo, M. D., Riefky, T., Notohamidjoyo, A., Oktaviyanti, D., Usman, Y. F., & Lasarus, L. (2022). Creative Economy District Development Study: Case Study on Maja, Rangkasbitung, and Karawang in Indonesia. In T. Sonobe, N. J. A. Buchoud,  J. T. G. Tiong, S. Baek,  N. S. Hendriyetty, and E. P. Sioson (Eds.), Creative Economy 2030: Imagining and Delivering a Robust, Creative, Inclusive, and Sustainable Recovery (pp. 167-180). ADB Institute.
  14. Fachrizah, H., Sihombing, M. A., Justinus, Y. C., Revindo, M.D., & Riefky, T. (2022). Financing Creative Industries in Indonesia. In T. Sonobe, N. J. A. Buchoud,  J. T. G. Tiong, S. Baek,  N. S. Hendriyetty, and E. P. Sioson (Eds.), Creative Economy 2030: Imagining and Delivering a Robust, Creative, Inclusive, and Sustainable Recovery (pp. 304-318). ADB Institute.
  15. Daniswara, R. V., Dhani, D. R., Utami, S. A., & Revindo, M. D. (2022). Regional Cooperation and Economic Integration: Recent Evidence from ASEAN. Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan, 14(1, 38-58). http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um002v14i12022p038
  16. Revindo, M. D., Rezki, J. F. Anindita, D., Dewi, C . A. (2022). Weathering and Recovering from the Pandemic: Lesson Learnt from MSMES in Indonesia . In S. M. Indrawati, S. Nazara, T. Anas, C. F. Ananda, K. Verico (Eds.), Keeping Indonesia Safe from the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learnt from the National Economic Recovery Programme (423-454).  Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia.
  17. Kher, R., Nair, A. S., Revindo, M. D., Rafitrandi, D., Justinus, Y. C., Nauly, Y. D., Freytag, A. (2022). Exploration of New Methodologies and Configurations for an Effective WTO and to Strengthen the Multilateral Trading System. TF1 – Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry, T20 2022 Policy Brief.  https://www.t20indonesia.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TF1_Exploration-of-New-Methodologies-and-Configurations-for-an-Effective-WTO-and-to-Strengthen-the-Multilateral-Trading-System-.pdf
  18. Autio, E., Revindo, M. D., Jinjarak, Y., Komlósi, E., Park, D., Petalcorin, C., Rafitrandi, D., Justinus, Y. C., Smit, W., Szerb, L., Tian, S., Tiszberge, M. (2022). Global Value Chain Inclusivity and Digital Entrepreneurship. TF1 – Open Trade, Sustainable Investment and Industry, T20 2022 Policy Brief. https://www.t20indonesia.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/TF1_Global-value-chain-inclusivity-and-digital-entrepreneurship-.pdf
  19. Revindo, M. D., Widyasanti, A. A., Siregar, C. H., & Hambali, S. (2021). Factors explaining the expenditure of sports event participants and spectators: evidence from the 2018 Asian Games. Journal of Sport & Tourism, 25(2), 105-127. https://doi.org/10.1080/14775085.2021.1883460
  20. Lin, L., Revindo, M.D., Gan, C. and Nguyen, Q.T.T. (2021), Return home and start new businesses: internal migration in China. Asian Pacific Economic Literature, 35(1), 49-66. https://doi.org/10.1111/apel.12314
  21. Yudhatama, P., Nurjanah, F., Diaraningtyas, C., & Revindo, M. D. (2021). Food security, agricultural sector resilience, and economic integration: case study of ASEAN+ 3. Jurnal Ekonomi & Studi Pembangunan, 22(1), 89-109. https://doi.org/10.18196/jesp.v22i1.9605
  22. Gunadi, A. D., Lesmana, H., Fachrizah, H., Revindo, M. D., & Daniswara, R. V. (2021). COVID-19 Pandemic and MSMEs in Indonesia: Impact and Policy Responses. Jurnal Ekonomi Indonesia, 10(2), 143-171. https://doi.org/10.52813/jei.v10i2.151
  23. Santoso, D.B., Gan, C., Revindo, M.D. and Massie, N.W.G. (2020). The impact of microfinance on Indonesian rural households’ welfare. Agricultural Finance Review, 80(4), 491-506. https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-11-2018-0098
  24. Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Alta, A. (2020). Do Export Activities Improve Small Firm Performance? Evidence from Indonesia. The South East Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 157-174. DOI: 10.21002/seam.v14i2.11771
  25. Massie, N. W., Hartono, D., Revindo, M. D., Riyadi, S. A., Puspita, N., & Wikarya, U. (2020). The Impact of Tourism on Poverty Alleviation and Income Distribution: Evidence from Indonesia. Institute for Economic and Social Research Working Paper No. 047 April 2020.
  26. Rahma, L., Firmansyah, R., & Revindo, M. D. (2020). The Nexus between FDI, Per Capita Income, Energy Consumption, Trade Openness, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Panel Data Analysis of ASEAN Plus Six. Jurnal Kajian Wilayah (Journal for Area Studies), 11(2), 141-162. https://doi.org/10.14203/jkw.v11i2.842
  27. Lin, L., Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Cohen, D. A. (2019). Determinants of credit card spending and debt of Chinese consumers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(2), 545-564. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBM-01-2018-0010
  28. Revindo, M. D., Wikarya, U., Siregar, C. H., Huda, A., Bintara, H., Afrizal, M., . . . Marbun, A. R. (2019). Buku II: Menakar Dampak Ekonomi dan Sosial Penyelenggaraan Asian Aames 2018: Survei Dampak Ekonomi. Jakarta: Bappenas.
  29. Revindo, M. D., Indrawati, S. M., & Hambali, S. (2019). The Role of Networking in the Internationalization of Indonesian SMEs. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 12(2), 421445. https://doi.org/10.15294/jejak.v12i2.21821
  30. Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Massie, N. W. G. (2019). Factors Affecting Propensity to Export: The Case of Indonesian SMEs. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 21(3), 263288. DOI: 10.22146/gamaijb.41022
  31. Revindo, M. D. (2019). The Future of the ASEAN Economic Integration by Kiki Verico, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, Pp. 274+ xxxv, ISBN: 978 1 137 59612 3. Asian?Pacific Economic Literature, 33(2), 149-151. https://doi.org/10.1111/apel.12279
  32. Revindo, M. D., Indrawati, S. M., & Massie, N. W. G. (2019). Policy Options to Remove Export Barriers Encountered by Indonesian SMEs. Jurnal Ekonomi Indonesia, 8(1), 37-69. https://doi.org/10.52813/jei.v8i1.12

Proyek Riset dan Konsultansi Terkini (Recent Research and Consulting Projects)

  1. The Role of Agriculture Input Industry in National Food Production and Supply Chains (Nagara Institute, 2024)
  2. Analysis of the Retainment of Foreign Exchanges from Natural Resource Export (Ministry of Industry, 2023)
  3. Support to Preparation for the Digital and Financial Literacy and Capacity Enhancement Activities for MSMEs (MCC Indonesia Compact II Program, 2023)
  4. Evaluation of Indonesia’s International Trade Agreement (Ministry of Trade, 2023)
  5. Challenges and Policy Direction of Food Security for the 2045 Golden Indonesia Vision (Nagara Institute, 2023)
  6. Assistance Program of Basic Digital and Financial Literacy for Traditional Market Vendors (BRI Bank, 2022)
  7. White Paper – Indonesia Economic Transformation (The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, 2022)
  8. Study of the Socio-Economic Impact of State Capital Participation (State Logistics Agency/BULOG, 2022)
  9. National Recovery Strategy Post COVID-19 Pandemic Through Collaboration with Potential Partners in the American Continent (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2022)
  10. Study of Tourism Priority Sector Recovery in South Sulawesi (Bank Indonesia, 2022)
  11. Guidance Book for MSMEs Go Global Preparation (Bank Indonesia, 2022)
  12. The Economic Impact of Pipes and Fittings Industry on Indonesian Economy (WAVIN, 2022)
  13. Economic and Fiscal Impact of Shipping Industry (Indonesian National Shipowners’ Association/INSA, 2022)
  14. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia-Angola Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  15. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia-Djibouti Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  16. Assistance for MSMEs’ Digital Technology Adoption in Tourism Areas (Ministry of Communication and Informatics, 2021)
  17. Economic Impact of Tourism Village Development (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2021)
  18. Impact of Trading Port Regulation on Ceramics Industry in Indonesia (Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association/ASAKI, 2021)
  19. Study of the Resilience of Micro-sized Enterprises during COVID-19 Pandemic (BRI Bank, 2021)
  20. Strategy for MSMEs Integration in Supply Chain System: Case Study Automotive and Food and Beverages Industry (Bank Indonesia, 2021)
  21. Construction of Services Sector Businesses Database (Ministry of Trade, 2021)
  22. The Initiation of Making Indonesia 4.0 – Inter-Ministy Action Plan Mapping (Ministry of Industry, 2021)
  23. Mapping and Strategy for LVC Development and Import Substitution of Electronic Industry in Sumatera (Bank Indonesia, 2021)
  24. Financial Inclusion Acceleration (BRI Bank, 2021)
  25. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia-Fiji Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  26. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia-Sri Lanka Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  27. Import Substitution of Manufacturing Industry’s Raw Materials (Ministry of Industry, 2021)
  28. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia-India Trade Agreement         (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  29. Financial Access for MSMEs in Tourism Areas (Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs, 2021)
  30. Roadmap for the Development of R&D Services Sector (Ministry of Trade, 2021)
  31. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia- Mauritius Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020)
  32. Impact of the National Economic Recovery Program on MSMEs (The Government-Owned Bank Group/HIMBARA, 2020)
  33. Study on the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on MSMEs In Indonesia (UNDP, 2020)
  34. Pre-feasibility Study of Creative Economy District Development (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2020)
  35. Financing Access for Subsistence, Micro and Small Businesses by Utilizing Various Alternative Financial Sources (Bank Indonesia, 2020)
  36. Sector Impact Assessment of Subnational Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia as Part of Municipal Assessment (Project Selection) Tool (The World Bank, 2020)
  37. Manufacturing Industry Acceleration in Bali and Nusa Tenggara Region (Bank Indonesia, 2020)
  38. Technological Adoption Readiness for MSMEs’ Up-scaling (Ministry of Communication and Informatics, 2020)
  39. Formulation of a Structured and Sustainable MSMEs Assistantship Curriculum (BRI Bank, 2020)
  40. Policy Analysis of COVID-19 Impact Mitigation for the MSMEs (The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, 2020)
  41. Consumers Perception Towards Fuel Quality and Price (Indonesian Consumers Foundation, 2020)
  42. Economic Diplomacy Capacity Building (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020)