Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Mohamad Dian Revindo, Ph.D.

(Head of Business Climate and Global value Chains)

Revindo has been a research associate with LPEM FEB UI since 2009, after previously worked at PT. Surveyor Indonesia. His research interests include Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), Microfinance, Industrial Competitiveness, Tourism and Creative Economy, as well as International Trade and Global Value Chains. He has extensive academic publications in those area of research in both international and national scientific journals. Revindo completed his bachelor’s degree in Economics and Development Studies from Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) in 2000, obtained his M.Sc. degree in Economics (2007) and M.A. degree in European Studies (2008) from The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium. Revindo was a recipient New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards (2013-2017) and gained his Ph.D. degree in Economics from Lincoln University in New Zealand (2017) with a thesis titled ‘Internationalization of Indonesian SMEs’. In addition to research, Revindo is a lecturer at the Graduate School of Strategic and Global Studies, Universitas Indonesia (SKSG UI) since 2009, a senior advisor to the Minister of Trade in 2020, and a senior expert at ARISE+, an EU-funded capacity enhancement in trade and investment facilitation for the Government of Indonesia.

Minat Penelitian

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Local Economy Development, Microfinance, Industrial Organization, International Trade and Business

Publikasi dan Proyek Penelitian

  1. Revindo, M.D., Widyasanti, A.A., Siregar, C.H. & Hambali, S., (2021) Factors explaining the expenditure of sports event participants and spectators: evidence from the 2018 Asian Games, Journal of Sport & Tourism, DOI: 1080/14775085.2021.1883460
  2. Lin, L., Revindo, M.D., Gan, C. and Nguyen, Q.T.T. (2021), Return home and start new businesses: internal migration in China. Asia Pac Econ Lit. https://doi.org/10.1111/apel.12314
  3. Santoso, D.B., Gan, C., Revindo, M.D. and Massie, N.W.G. (2020), “The impact of microfinance on Indonesian rural households’ welfare”, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 80 No. 4, pp. 491-506. https://doi.org/10.1108/AFR-11-2018-0098
  4. Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Alta, A. (2020). Do Export Activities Improve Small Firm Performance? Evidence from Indonesia. The South East Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 157-174.
  5. Massie, N. W., Hartono, D., Revindo, M. D., Riyadi, S. A., Puspita, N., & Wikarya, U. (2020). The Impact of Tourism on Poverty Alleviation and Income Distribution: Evidence from Indonesia. Institute for Economic and Social Research Working Paper No. 047 April 2020.
  6. Firmansyah, R., Rahma, L., & Revindo, M. D. (2020). The Nexus between FDI, Per Capita Income , Energy Consumption, Trade Openness, and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Panel Data Analysis of ASEAN+. Journal of Area Studies, Vol. 11 No. 2.
  7. Lin, L., Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Cohen, D. A. (2019). Determinants of credit card spending and debt of Chinese consumers. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 37(2), 545-564.
  8. Revindo, M. D., Wikarya, U., Siregar, C. H., Huda, A., Bintara, H., Afrizal, M., . . . Marbun, A. R. (2019). Buku II: Menakar dampak ekonomi dan sosial penyelenggaraan asian games 2018: Survei dampak ekonomi. Jakarta: Bappenas.
  9. Revindo, M. D., Indrawati, S. M., & Hambali, S. (2019). The Role of Networking in the Internationalization of Indonesian SMEs. JEJAK: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan, 12(2), 421445.
  10. Revindo, M. D., Gan, C., & Massie, N. W. G. (2019). Factors Affecting Propensity to Export: The Case of Indonesian SMEs. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 21(3), 263288.
  11. Revindo, M. D., Siregar, C. H., Widyasanti, A. A., Anindita, D., Hastuti, N. W., Hambali, S., & Bintara, H. (2019). Spending of Sports Event Paticipants and Tourists: Evidence from the 2018 Asian Games. LPEM Working Paper Series No. 037.
  12. Revindo, M. D. (2019). The Future of the ASEAN Economic Integration by Kiki Verico, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, Pp. 274+ xxxv, ISBN: 978 1 137 59612 3. Asian?Pacific Economic Literature, 33(2), 149-151.
  13. Revindo, M. D., Widyasanti, A. A., Siregar, C. H., Anindita, D., Hastuti, N. W., & Hambali, S. (2019). Long-term Effect of Mega Sports Event on Host Country’s Tourism: Evidence from the Jakarta-Palembang 2018 Asian Games. Institute for Economic and Social Research.
  14. Revindo, M. D., Indrawati, S. M., & Massie, N. W. G. (2019). Policy Options to Remove Export Barriers Encountered by Indonesian SMEs. Jurnal Ekonomi Indonesia, 8(1), 37-69.
  15. Revindo, M. D. (2019, September). Impact of Export Activities on Firm Performance: The Case of Indonesian SMEs. In International Conference on Trade 2019 (ICOT 2019). Atlantis Press.
  16. Kacaribu, F., Lumbanraja, A. U., Revindo, M. D., Sabrina, S., Pricilia, Z., & Natanael, Y. (2018). Recent Developments in Indonesia’s Macro-economy and Trade, Q1-2018. Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 64(1), pp. 1-24.
  17. Revindo, M. D., & Gan, C. (2018). Factors Affecting Variation in SMEs’ Export Intensity. LPEM Working Paper Series No. 201820.
  18. Revindo, M. D. (2018). Types and Severities of Export Barriers: Evidence from Indonesian SMEs. Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 63(2), pp. 150-175.
  19. Revindo, M. D., & Gan, C. (2017). Microfinance Institutions in Malaysia. In C. Gan & G.V. Nartea (Eds.), Microfinance in Asia (pp. 47-91). New Jersey: World Scientific.
  20. Revindo, M. D., & Gan, C. (2017). Credit Market and Microcredit Services in Rural China. In C. Gan & G.V. Nartea (Eds.), Microfinance in Asia (pp. 93-146). New Jersey: World Scientific.
  21. Revindo, M. D., & Gan, C. (2017). Rural Microfinance Banking Viability and Outreach: A Case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia. In C. Gan & G.V. Nartea (Eds.), Microfinance in Asia (pp. 337-356). New Jersey: World Scientific.
  22. Revindo, M. D., & Gan, C. (2017). Accessibility and Impact of Rural Credit Cooperatives Microcredit Programmes to Rural Households: A Case Study from Hubei Province, China. In C. Gan & G.V. Nartea (Eds.), Microfinance in Asia (pp. 319-336). New Jersey: World Scientific.
  23. Revindo, M.D., Gan, C. & Nguyen, C. C. (2017). Internationalization Strategy and Process: Evidence from Indonesian SMEs. World Journal of Management, 8(1), 59-74.
  24. Revindo, M. D. (2017). Internationalisation of Indonesian SMEs. Doctoral Thesis, Lincoln University, New Zealand.
  25. Revindo, M.D., & Gan, C. (2017). Factors Influencing SMEs’ Engagement in Direct Export Activities (LPEM Working Paper Series No. 201711). University of Indonesia.
  26. Saputra, A., Rahardianto, T., Revindo, M. D., Delikostidis, I., Hadmoko, D. S., Sartohadi, J., & Gomez, C. (2017). Seismic vulnerability assessment of residential buildings using logistic regression and geographic information system (GIS) in Pleret Sub District (Yogyakarta, Indonesia). Geoenvironmental Disasters, 4(1), 11. doi:10.1186/s40677-017-0075-z.
  27. Revindo, M.D., & Gan, C. (2016). Export Stimuli, Export Stages and Internationalization Pathways: The Case of Indonesian SMEs. Economics and Finance in Indonesia, 62(3), 191205.

Past Research, Survey, Consultancy and Assistance Projects

  1. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia- Angola Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021)
  2. Pre-feasibility Study for Creative Economy District Development, (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2020)
  3. Study of Financing for Subsistence Groups, Micro and Small Businesses in Utilizing Various Alternative Financing (Bank Indonesia, 2020)
  4. MSMEs Mapping Based on Indeks Naik Kelas for MSMEs Assistance Curriculum Development (BRI, 2020)
  5. Impact of National Economic Recovery (Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional/ PEN) on Indonesian MSMEs (HIMBARA, 2020)
  6. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on MSMEs in Indonesia (UNDP, 2020)
  7. Market Access and Potential Economic Impact of Indonesia- Mauritius Trade Agreement (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020)
  8. Sector Impact Assessment of Subnational Infrastructure Investment in Indonesia as Part of Municipal Assessment (Project Selection) Tool (The World Bank, 2020)
  9. Manufacturing Industry Acceleration in Bali and Nusa Tenggara Region (Bank Indonesia Bali, 2020)
  10. Technological Adoption Readiness for MSMEs’ Up-scaling (Ministry of Communication and Information, 2020)
  11. Effectiveness of Out-of-Home Media for Creating Positive Image and Public Trust (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2020)
  12. Formulation of a Structured and Sustainable MSMEs Assistantship Curriculum (BRI Bank, 2020)
  13. Policy Analysis of COVID-19 Impact Mitigation for the MSMEs (Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, 2020)
  14. Effectiveness of Digital Posters in the Socialization and Internalization of Institution Policy Program among Employees (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2020)
  15. Consumers Perception Towards Fuel Quality and Price (Indonesian Consumers Protection Foundation/YLKI, 2020)
  16. Study on the Breathable and Non-Breathable Films in Indonesia and some of ASEAN Countries (Mitsubishi Chemical PET Film Indonesia, 2020)
  17. Import Substitution of Manufacturing Industry’s Raw Materials (Ministry of Industry, 2020)
  18. Financial Access for MSMEs in Tourism Areas (Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs, 2020)
  19. Business Development Potential and Assistantship for Village-Owned Enterprises (BRI Bank, 2019)
  20. International Airport Connecting Public Transportation: the Case of Soekarno-Hatta Airport (Indonesian Consumers Protection Foundation/YLKI, 2019)
  21. MSMEs Up-scaling Parameters Formulation (BRI Bank, 2019)
  22. Public Service Innovation in the Tourism Sector (Ministry of Tourism, 2019)
  23. Economic, Fiscal, and Foreign Exchange Impact of Subang Special Economic Zone (SSIA, 2019)
  24. Economic, Fiscal, and Foreign Exchange Impact of Poly-ethylene terephthalate film Industry (Mitsubishi Chemical PET Film Indonesia, 2019)
  25. Investment Acceleration Challenge of Tourism Special Economic Zone (Ministry of Tourism, 2019)
  26. Prioritizing and Mainstreaming Tourism in National Economic Policy (Ministry of Tourism, 2019)
  27. Tourism Activity Impact on Income Distribution and Poverty Alleviation (Ministry of Tourism, 2019)
  28. Financing Schemes of MSMEs in Tourism Areas (Ministry of Tourism, 2019)
  29. Redefining MSMEs and Defining Export-Oriented MSMEs (LPEI-Indonesia Eximbank, 2018)
  30. Economic Impact of the 2018 Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games (Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, 2018)
  31. Economic, Fiscal, and Foreign Exchange Impact of Automotive Industry: Investment and Operation of Hyundai Motor Company (Ernst & Young, 2018)
  32. The Roles of Special Economic Zone on Export, Investment, and Manufacturing Development (ERIA, 2018)
  33. Macroeconomic and Energy Indicators Outlook (Pertamina, 2018)
  34. Acceleration of Sustainable Development Principles in the Guidelines of State Policy (People’s Consultative Assembly/MPR, 2018)
  35. Healthy Food Consumption Pattern and Literacy: Case Study from Depok and Surakarta (Indonesian Consumers Protection Foundation/YLKI, 2018)
  36. Business Network and Information Distribution of Metal Processing Industry in Tegal Regency (JICA, 2017)
  37. Economic Impact of the Synthetic Yarn Industry (PT Asia Pasific Fibers, 2017)
  38. Value Chain and Business Network of Transportation and Electricity Industry in 7 Provinces (JICA, 2017)
  39. Fixed Broadband Consumer Loyalty and Citizenshipness (PT Telkom, 2017)
  40. Preferences of Public Transportation Modes in Jabodetabek (Indonesian Consumers Protection Foundation/ YLKI, 2017)