Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia 2012

Februari 22, 2014

Volume 60 No. 1

  1. Latif Adam
    The Roles and Problems of Infrastructure in Indonesia

  2. Maddaremmeng A. Panennungi
    Re-emergence of the Asian Economies: Will History Repeat Itself?

  3. Lana Soelistianingsih
    The Indonesian Government Debt Transformation

  4. Shahnaz Natasha Arina
    The Effect of Change in Compulsory Education on Birth Weight

  5. Fithra Faisal Hastiadi
    China-Japan-Korea’s Vertical Intra Industry Trade with the ASEAN-4 Countries: Impact and Determinants

Volume 60 No. 2

  1. Mohamad Ikhsan, Yoga Affandi and Firman Mochtar
    The Trilemma, Inflation and Central Bank Balance Sheet: The Case of Indonesia

  2. Zaekhan and Nachrowi D. Nachrowi
    The Impact of Renewable Energy and GDP Per Capita on Carbon Dioxide Emission in the G-20 Countries

  3. Maxensius Tri Sambodo and Esta Lestari
    Environmental Kuznets Curve: Panel Data Evidence from Developing Countries

  4. Muliadi Widjaja
    An Economic and Social Review on Indonesia’s Direct Cash Transfer Program to Poor Families in 2005

  5. Sartika Djamaluddin
    Urban Amenities and Quality of Life Index: Evidence from Cities in Indonesia

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