Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Economics and Finance Indonesia 2010

Februari 22, 2014

Volume 58 No. 3

  1. Moch. Doddy Ariefianto
    The Behavior of The Post-Crises Indonesian Banking Industry (An Analysis Based on Oligopoly Theory and Dynamic Panel Data Econometrics)

  2. Maxensius Tri Sambodo and Tatsuo Oyama
    The Electricity sector Before and After The Fast Track Program

  3. N. Haidy A. Pasay and Qisha Quarina
    Rates of Returns to Vocational and General Upper Secondary Education, and to Experience in Addressing the Hollow Middle in Indonesia 2007

  4. Iwan Jaya Azis and Maria Monica Wihardja
    Theory of Endogenous Institutions and Evidence from an In-depth Field Study in Indonesia

  5. Teguh Dartanto
    Volatility of World Rice Prices, Import Tariffs and Poverty in Indonesia: A CGE-Micro Simulation Analysis

Volume 58 No. 2

  1. Arief Anshory Yusuf
    Estimates of The “Green” or “Eco” Regional Domestic Product of Indonesian Provinces for The Year 2005

  2. B. Raksaka Mahi
    Intergovernmental Relations and Decentralization in Indonesia: New Arrangements and Their Impacts on Local Welfare

  3. Kiki Verico and Williater Leonardo Batubara
    Sub-Regional Economic Cooperation In Southeast Asia: ITRO’s Effect to Rubber’s FDI Inflows & Indonesia’s Rubber Economic Multipliers

  4. Maddaremmeng A. Panennung
    The Role of Sumatra in the Integration of the Indonesian Economy into The World Economy from Two Waves of Globalization

  5. Muhammad Arsyad and Yoshio Kawamura
    Reducing Poverty of Cocoa Smallholders in Indonesia: Is Agricultural Economic Activity Still The Pioneer?

Volume 58 No. 1

  1. Atsushi Masuda and Hitoshi Oshige
    Indonesian Economy: Contagion of World Financial Crisis and Policy Response

  2. Howard Dick
    The Archipelagic Paradox Islands, Cities and The Modern State, 1808-2008

  3. Esta Lestari
    Volatility Spillover Effects in East Asian Capital Markets: A Case Study of The Real Estate Sectors

  4. Riwanto Tirtosudarmo 
    Widjojo Nitisastro, the praxis of development in Indonesia, and its comparison with Allison Ayida of Nigeria

  5. Arief Anshory Yusuf and Arief Ramayandi
    Reducing Fuel Subsidy or Taxing Carbon? Comparing the Two Instruments from The Economy, Environment, and Equity Perspectives for Indonesia


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