Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Christine, S.E., M.Int.Tax.

November 8, 2016


Christine1Christine merupakan pengajar pada Departemen Akuntansi, Fakultas Eonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia. Dia memperoleh gelar master di bidang Perpajakan Internasional dari University of Sydney (NSW, Australia) di tahun 2006, dan Sarjana Akuntansi dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia di tahun 2000 dengan predikat Cum Laude. Sebelum menjadi pengajar di Universitas Indonesia, dia bergabung dengan KPMG Jakarta dibawah Divisi Konsultasi Pajak.

Christine merupakan seorang ahli perpajakan yang juga terlibat dengan banyak proyek penelitian dan pelatihan terkait dengan Perpajakan Indonesia. Dia juga aktif terlibat dalam Divisi Akuntan Pajak dibawah Institut Akuntan Indonesia (IAI). Pada tanggal 5 Januari 2015, dia secara ofisial ditunjuk sebagai Wakil Kepala Bidang Administrasi dan Keuangan LPEM FEBUI.


Minat Penelitian

Pajak Internasional, Perpajakan Indonesia, Administrasi Pajak

Publikasi Akademik

– Analisis Dampak Penerapan PSAK 30 (Sewa) Terhadap Pajak Penghasilan atas Transaksi Leasing, Inside Tax Edisi 14 (Maret 2013).
– Dampak Penerapan PSAK 10 Terhadap Perpajakan, Economics Business & Accounting Review Vol. No. 1 (Januari-April 2012).
– Menekan Transfer Pricing Pejoratif Via Akuntan Publik, Indonesian Tax Review edisi 17, October 2011.
– Editor buku “Kajian Aktual Perpajakan” Pengarang: Richard Burton (2008)
– Penipuan Pajak: Sebuah Isu yang Perlu Diperhatikan, Economics Business & Accounting Review Vol. 11 No. 1 (Januari-April 2007).

How to Choose an Essay Writing Service

There are a lot of essay writing services on the internet. But, there are a few things to consider before you hire one. In the first place, you must essay make sure that the writing service that you pick is legit. Do not spend money on a service which is of poor quality or doesn’t meet the expectations you have set. In the second place, ensure that you only hire experienced writers for your orders. Certain companies offer writing help, but only those with years of experience and an established reputation will be able to provide you with quality essays.

There are numerous websites and review boards you can check to read what customers’ opinions say about a particular business. Most of these platforms are authentic and adhere to strict rules for posting customer reviews. SiteJabber and Trustpilot are two such examples. Many essay writing companies post reviews of their customers on their website. Many of them even feature video reviews. The reviewer can be reached to get clarifications if you’re uncertain.

EssayPro provides a custom writing service that provides real value for money. The company lets customers choose a writer based on their skill level and price. EssayPro offers unlimited revisions and offers a no-cost Turnitin report on plagiarism. EssayPro provides affordable rates that vary depending on essay type, deadline and writer type. EssayPro’s unofficial motto is “Everyone deserves professional help,” and it delivers.

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