Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia
Kelompok riset melakukan kegiatan penelitian dan konsultasi terutama pada kebijakan sektor energi, perencanaan kebijakan pemerintah subnasional, kebijakan pemberdayaan dan pembangunan lokal, serta dampak ekonomi dari implementasi kebijakan pembangunan.
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PT.Borneo Indobara | Evaluasi Program PPM Periode 2018-2022 | This study aims to estimate changes in the well-being of the community around the mining site as a result of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program implemented over a 5-year period (2018-2022). In the milestones of the CSR activities, the years 2023-2027 have entered the self-sustainability stage, following the previous implementation phase from 2018 to 2022. The evaluation of the CSR program needs to be conducted every 5 years, with the initial phase in 2018 focusing on satisfaction and the success of the CSR program, which is then assessed in 2023 to determine further policy improvements. On a macro level, this study explains that the total impact of additional income is Rp 60.9 billion during the 2018-2022 period (Rp 12.2 billion per year), with an average per capita income increase of Rp 334,586 per year. On average, the portion of the impact from the increase in revenue for SMEs accounts for 26% of the total impact. Meanwhile, the additional employment from these CSR activities is 1,593 people per year. This means that the contribution of this CSR program to employment absorption is 0.83% of the total workforce in Tanah Bumbu Regency. In terms of well-being, the Human Development Index (HDI) in the control area (69.41) is higher than in the Mining Circle area (69.23). In the aspects of education and health, there are higher figures in the mining circle villages compared to the control area. Regarding per capita expenditure, the community empowerment program by PTBIB increases the per capita expenditure of its beneficiaries by Rp 110,326 relative to non-beneficiaries. From the perspective of per capita income, the impact reaches Rp 422,590, higher than non-beneficiaries. However, on average, the expenditure level is higher in control villages compared to mining circle villages. The study concludes that the economic contribution of BIB's presence to Tanah Bumbu Regency, South Kalimantan Province, can be enhanced by increasing the intensity of using local inputs, wherever possible. Additionally, PT.BIB's participation in improving the well-being of the community around the mining area can be increased by implementing community empowerment programs (PPM) that are most needed and beneficial for the local community, both in the short and long term. |
Tahun Pengerjaan | Nama Klien | Nama Proyek | Lama Pengerjaan (dalam hari) |
2022-2022 | Kajian Stimulus PBB-P2 | Badan Pengelola Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah Kota Balikpapan | 60 |
2022-2023 | KADIN | Kontribusi Ekonomi dan Fiskal dari Industri Properti | 90 |
2023 | PT. Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara | Jasa Kajian Dampak Makroekonomi dan Sosial Ekonomi PT Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara | 150 |
2023 | PT.RAPP (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper) | Pembuatan Laporan Dampak Makroekonomi dan Fiskal PT. Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper Bagi Perekonomian Provinsi Riau | 120 |
2023 | BCIP (Batuta Chemical Industrial Park) | Analisis Dampak Ekonomi dan Fiskal Pengembangan Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus di Batuta Chemical Industrial Park (BCIP) di Kabupaten Kutai Timur | 34 |
2022 | PT. Kilang Pertamina International (KPI) | Dampak Pengenaan Iuran Badan Usaha Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No.48/Tahun 2019 | 60 |
2023 | PT.Borneo Indobara | Evaluasi Program PPM Periode 2018-2022 | 120 |
2023 | PT. Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (INALUM) Persero | Kajian Multiplier Effect Ekspansi Smelter Kuala Tanjung | 30 |
2022 | Kementerian Perindustrian | Kajian Manfaat dan Biaya Pengutamaan Pengunaan Gas Bumi untuk Industri Domestik | 58 |
2022 | Kementerian ESDM | Pemodelan Ekonomi Implementasi Kebijakan HGBT | 90 |
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