Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Muhammad Halley Yudhistira, Ph.D.

Urban and Housing Economics, Transportation Economics, Econometrics, Impact Evaluation.

Transport, Real Estate, and Urban Studies (TRUST)

The research group focuses its research on the nexus of city dynamics, transportation networks, and real estate markets with a keen eye on advancing knowledge and practical solutions in these fields. In particular, the group has particular research interests in (but not limited to) topics such as:

  • sustainable urban development
  • mobility and access
  • housing market trends
  • impact evaluation of urban policies

The group place a high value on scientific integrity and rigorous research process. We employ multidisciplinary approaches that combine sound qualitative methods and cutting-edge quantitative tools to provide evidence-based insights on the subject matter at hand. This meticulous approach helps ensure that our work is reliable, insightful, and contributes constructively to the body of knowledge in our areas of focus.

Recognizing the importance of actionable outcomes from its research, the group is also dedicated to offering practical recommendations that can be applied in the real world. The main goal is to make the group’s findings accessible and useful to policymakers, urban planners, and industry stakeholders, fostering informed decision-making and effective solutions to urban, transport, and real estate challenges.

The group’s research output has been published in leading international journals, including World Development, Research in Transportation Economics, Land Use Policy, and Economic Analysis and Policy, among others.

Featured Projects

Here are some of the featured publications from this research study:

Project NameClient NameSummary
JICAEstimating the Needs for Social Infrastructure in Asia-
PT MRT JakartaEvaluasi Dampak MRT Fase 1 dan 2-
BappenasEvaluasi Dampak Tol Laut terhadap Disparitas Harga Barang Pokok dan Barang Penting-
ERIAASEAN Open Sky Policy-
PT MPMKajian Potensi Pasar Kendaraan Roda Dua di Jawa Timur-
ERIAASEAN Maritime Connectivity-
GAIKINDOEvaluasi Struktur PPnBM bagi Kendaraan Bermotor-
Kemenko PerekonomianKajian Revitalisasi Batam Free Trade Zone Area-

Past Research Projects

Here are some of the latest publications from this research study:

Working YearsClient NameProject NameWorking Time (In days)
2023Economic Analysis and PolicyThe impact of the maritime logistic subsidy on food prices: Evidence from Indonesia-
2022World DevelopmentThe Long-run Effects of Early European Settlement on Local Development: Evidence from Indonesia-
2022Land Use PolicyHighway expansion and urban sprawl in the Jakarta Metropolitan Area-
2021Case Studies on Transport PolicyEstimating the price elasticity of demand for urban mass rapid transit ridership: A quasi-experimental evidence from Jakarta, Indonesia-
2020Water Resources and EconomicsExploiting unanticipated change in block rate pricing for water demand elasticities estimation: Evidence from Indonesian suburban area-
2020Economics of TransportationDoes small-scale port investment affect local economic activity? Evidence from small-port development in Indonesia-
2019Research in Transportation EconomicsTransportation network and changes in urban structure: Evidence from the Jakarta Metropolitan Area-