Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Latif Adam : The Roles and Problems of Infrastructure in Indonesia Maddaremmeng A. Panennungi : Re-emergence of the Asian Economies: Will History Repeat Itself? Lana Soelistianingsih : The Indonesian Government Debt Transformation Shahnaz Natasha Arina : The Effect of Change in Compulsory Education on Birth Weight Fithra Faisal Hastiadi : China-Japan-Korea’s Vertical Intra Industry Trade with the...
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Agus Eko Nugroho  : The WeLFARE IMPACTs OF MICROFINANCE on Rural Households: Evidence from Boyolali of indonesia Latif Adam & Siwage Dharma Negara  : How the National Community Empowerment Program Improves the Living Standards of the Rural Poor in Yogyakarta Donny Yoesgiantoro, Chandra Wijaya, Haryoto Kusnoputranto,Widjajono Partowidagdo : EXTERNAL COST INTERNALIZATION MODEL OF WASTE GAS ON...
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The new discussion paper by Ari Kuncoro, Isfandiarni, and Hengky Kurniawan. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial grant provided by SEADI USAID.
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Many countries have implemented investment climate reforms to try and boost growth and investment. But similar reforms have often given rise to quite different results in different countries. We hypothesize that success depends critically on the ability of local political actors to forge effective relations with the private sector.
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Masalah distribusi pendapatan menjadi salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dunia dewasa ini. Banyak negara yang berhasil menurunkan penurunan kemiskinan secara dramatis seperti China dan Vietnam menghadapi persoalan dalam peningkatan distribusi pendapatan yang cukup signifikan.
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LPEM FEUI bekerja sama dengan Kementrian Koordinator Perekonomian RI dan Bank Dunia telah melakukan serangkaian survei Monitoring Iklim Investasi di 5 kota besar Indonesia yaitu Jakarta dan sekitarnya, Surabaya dan sekitarnya, Semarang dan sekitarnya, Medan dan sekitarnya, Makasar dan sekitarnya pada periode 2005-2006.
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This is the Final Report of Customs Study as part of Monitoring Investment Climate in Indonesia, which is conducted by the Institute for Economic and Social Research Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia (LPEM FEUI) in corporation with The World Bank.
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