Inequality Brief May 2024: Inequality Diagnostic Research in Indonesia
Reducing inequality is a part of global commitment under Sustainable Development Goals #10 (SDGs #10). SDG #10 has a comprehensive prosperity-sharing target not only
Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia
Reducing inequality is a part of global commitment under Sustainable Development Goals #10 (SDGs #10). SDG #10 has a comprehensive prosperity-sharing target not only
Briefing Note Vol 2. No.2 | June 2023 Simulasi Potensi Dampak Ekonomi Penyelenggaraan FIFA Matchday Indonesia vs Argentina 19 Juni 2023 Yusuf Reza Kurniawan,
Simulasi Potensi Dampak Ekonomi Penyelenggaraan Piala Dunia U-20 di Indonesia 2023 Policy Note Pusat Kajian Iklim Usaha LPEM FEB UI Yusuf Reza Kurniawan, MD
As the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) President, the UK launched the Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue with
Secara umum, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dasar pengenaan PPN di sektor fintech di Indonesia dan dampak ekonomi pembebasan PPN pada jasa teknologi finansial
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) describe a universal agenda that applies and must be implemented by 193 countries which were agreed upon at the
In 2018/2019, the world produced and ground 4.7 million tonnes of cocoa beans, with around 1.7 million tonnes in stock (ICCO, 2021). These beans are processed into
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