The 2008 Corporate Income Tax Reform and Its Contribution to Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Abstract The CIT reform enacted by Law No.36 of 2008 cuts maximum tax rates from 30 per cent to 25 per cent and offers
Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia
Abstract The CIT reform enacted by Law No.36 of 2008 cuts maximum tax rates from 30 per cent to 25 per cent and offers
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Abstract This dissertation has two main objectives. First, we investigate the effectiveness of penalties and other enforcement tools on regulatory compliance, and comprehensively address
Latif Adam : The Roles and Problems of Infrastructure in Indonesia Maddaremmeng A. Panennungi : Re-emergence of the Asian Economies: Will History Repeat Itself?
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