Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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State and Regional Finance

Effective management of state and regional finances is a fundamental element for the public sector in general and government organizations in particular. The training material is a combination of academic research and case studies from practitioners, where participants learn how governments and public sector organizations plan and manage public spending, understand how tax policies are designed and their effects, explore alternative strategies for public sector revenue enhancement, learn how financial performance is reported to the public, and understand how fiscal balance is achieved.

Various training topics in this field include Regional Financial Management, Planning and Budgeting, Standard Cost Analysis, Performance-Based Budgeting, Land and Building Tax (PBB) and Acquisition Rights over Land and Buildings (BPHTB), Management of Regional Assets, and Financial Accounting and Reporting. Additionally, LPEM FEB UI can also organize various short training programs related to this field according to the needs and requests of partners.
