Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Kepala Kajian:
Jahen F. Rezki, Ph.D.

Ekonomi Pembangunan, Ekonomi Politik, Ekonomi Media, dan Makroekonomi Terapan

Kajian Makro, Keuangan, dan Ekonomi Politik (MFPE)

Kelompok ini memiliki reputasi kuat dalam penelitian dan konsultasi mengenai iklim investasi, kerja sama regional dan perdagangan, kebijakan perdagangan di industri tertentu, dan ekonomi politik. Area penelitian lain dalam kelompok ini terkait dengan pembaruan pasar, analisis sektor keuangan dan kebijakan moneter, peran politik dan institusi terhadap hasil ekonomi, pembangunan makro, ekonomi media, dan ekonomi publik.

Kelompok Riset Makroekonomi dan Ekonomi Politik menggunakan berbagai pendekatan ekonomi (misalnya, CGE, GTAP, Inferensi Kausal, Evaluasi Dampak, Time Series) dalam penelitiannya untuk memberikan studi yang komprehensif serta rekomendasi kebijakan yang lebih dapat diterapkan dan luas.

Proyek Unggulan

Berikut adalah beberapa publikasi unggulan dari penelitian ini:

Nama KlienNama ProyekKesimpulan
Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian
Gap Analysis Kesiapan Indonesia dalam Mengadopsi Standar Lingkungan Organisation for Ekonomic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
This study investigates Indonesia's readiness, particularly in terms of regulatory readiness, to adopt OECD environmental standards, especially in chemical safety and biosafety, as well as climate change standards. Through gap analysis, the potential steps towards improvement and acceleration in adopting standards similar to OECD countries can be identified.

The study found that there are still several aspects that Indonesia needs to enhance in terms of regulations and field implementation to meet OECD standards and principles, facilitating its accession process. Various improvements in regulations and implementation are identified in this study based on difficulty levels, timelines, and action steps required to achieve compliance with OECD standards and principles.

The study results indicate the existence of environmental and chemical and biosafety standard gaps between Indonesia and the OECD. Approximately 57% of environmental standards still lack implementation, even though the regulations align with OECD principles. Most OECD principles related to chemicals and biosafety are already incorporated into Indonesian regulations; however, the implementation of 56% of standards does not yet meet OECD criteria.

In terms of difficulty in compliance, the majority of environmental standards face low (38.1%) and high (33%) difficulty levels. Regarding chemical and biosafety standards, only about 11% encounter high difficulty. Both environmental and chemical and biosafety standards can be met in the short and medium term (with normal effort). However, if Indonesia aims to expedite compliance to promptly join the OECD, it needs to accelerate the fulfillment of standards in the medium and long-term compliance categories.

Proyek Penelitian Terdahulu

Berikut adalah beberapa publikasi terbaru dari penelitian ini:

Tahun PengerjaanNama KlienNama ProyekLama Pengerjaan (dalam hari)
2023Kementerian Koordinator Bidang PerekonomianGap Analysis Kesiapan Indonesia dalam Mengadopsi Standar Lingkungan Organisation for Ekonomic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
2023International Labour Office (ILO)Rapid Skill Assessment in the Electronics Manufact
2023Bank IndonesiaPengaruh Perkembangan Transaksi Non Tunai terhadap Permintaan Uang Tunai dan Rekomendasi Model Estimasi Kebutuhan Uang Secara Bottom Up
2022PT.Terafulk Megantara DesignPenyusunan Business Plan
New Cableship dan Produk
2021Monash UniversityUnderstanding Vaccine
hesitancy and improving
vaccine take-up: Survey and
experiments in the field
2023NRC (The National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)Study of Korea’s Official Development Assistance in Indonesia from Local Perspective
2023ERIA (The Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East ASIA)Financing the Green and Just Energy Transition330
2020PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO)Pembuatan Model Parameter Makroekonomi Nasional210
2022KEMENTERIAN PERINDUSTRIAN REPUBLIK INDONESIAPenyusunan Target Kuantitatif dan Skema Pembiayaan Peta Jalan Making Indonesia 4.0 (Tahun 2022-2030)
2022Bank IndonesiaModel Bisnis Multiple Channel Financing
Positive SSL Wildcard