Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Sofia Anggita Hasty, S.E., M.E.

Sofia Anggita Hasty finished her undergraduate education on economics at Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (FEB UI) in 2012 and she completed her graduate education and gained a title of Magister of Public Policy and Planning in 2017. Sofia started to work at LPEM FEBUI in 2012 as a research assistant. In 2014, Sofia started to work at LPEM FEBUI as a Researcher Staff. Sofia once worked as a data entry assistant in SMERU Research Institute. Previously, Sofia also worked as a marketing and external researach manager SBU as well as a marketing and external research staff at Student Cooperative of Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia. Her research interests include public sector economics, public planning, international trade economics, environmental economics, monetary economics, as well as regional economics. Besides research, Sofia also often holds a position of a coordinator for Education and Training program at LPEM FEBUI.

Sofia has handled various research projects at LPEM FEBUI. During her work, Sofia has worked with a lot of clients, including both domestic and international institutions. Several clients  that have worked with Sofia are USAID, PT. Pertamina, PT. AQUA, AIPEG-MICI, BRI, Tanoto Foundation, LPS, Ministry of Trade, Bank Mandiri, Inpex, Ministry of Health , PT. Pupuk Indonesia, KPPIP dan PT. Cipta Krida Bahari as well as several local

Minat Penelitian

Public Sector Economics, Public Planning, International Trade Economics, Environmental Economics, Monetary Economics and Regional Economics

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