Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Chaikal Nuryakin, Ph.D.

Chaikal memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi dan Magister Ilmu Ekonomi (MSE) dari Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) pada tahun 2002 dan 2006. Beliau kemudian melanjutkan studi di National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS ) di Tokyo, Jepang dan memperoleh gelar Master of Arts (MA) pada tahun 2011 dan PhD di bidang Ekonomi pada tahun 2015. Minat penelitiannya adalah ekonomi eksperimental dan perilaku, perbankan dan keuangan, ekonomi moneter, ekonometrika dan pemodelan.

Beliau mulai bekerja di FEB UI pada tahun 2003 hingga 2008 sebagai peneliti di Laboratorium Ilmu Ekonomi, Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia (LABIE-FEUI). Sejak tahun 2006, Chaikal juga menjadi dosen di Departemen Ekonomi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia. Setelah menyelesaikan PhD-nya, sekaligus mengajar di FEB UI, pada tahun 2014 Chaikal bergabung dengan LPEM FEB UI sebagai peneliti tetap. Selain peran tersebut, pada tahun 2016 hingga 2018, Chaikal juga menjabat sebagai Deputi Program Magister Perencanaan Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik (MPKP FEB UI).

Pada tahun 2018, beliau ditunjuk sebagai Direktur Program Sarjana Ekonomi pada Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Indonesia dan juga sebagai Kepala Divisi Riset Ekonomi Digital dan Ekonomi Perilaku LPEM FEB UI. Setelah jabatan tersebut, Chaikal diangkat menjadi Direktur LPEM FEB UI pada tahun 2023.

Chaikal telah menerbitkan artikel akademis di beberapa jurnal seperti Japanese Economic Review dan Economics and Human Biology, di antara jurnal peer review bereputasi lainnya. Selain itu, ia menulis satu bab buku dalam buku tentang Perdagangan dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kawasan Asia Pasifik bersama Milda Irhamni.

Minat Penelitian

Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Industrial Economics, Development Economics

Daftar Publikasi

  • PhD in Economics, Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 2015.

Dissertation: Fukubukuro:

Valuation and Choice Experiment for Shrouded and Bundled Goods.

  • Master of Arts (MA), National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, GRIPS, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.

Policy Paper:

The Structure of Indonesia Banking Sector and Monetary Policy.

  • Master’s in economics science (MSE), Universitas Indonesia, Depok (February 2006). Specialization in International and Banking Finance.


Bank Lending Behavior in Indonesia: Oligopoly Case, Period January 2001-July 2005.

  • Bachelor of Economics (S.E), Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Indonesia, 2002.


  • Director, Institute for Economic and Social Reseach, LPEM FEB UI (February 2023-now)
  • Program Director, Undergraduate Program in Economics, FEB UI (May 2018-January 2023)
  • Expert Member of Universitas Indonesia G20, (2019-2022).
  • Head of Research Group, Digital Economy and Behavioral Economics, Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM FEB-UI), (2018-2022).
  • Program Deputy, Master of Economic Planning and Public Policy, MPKP FEB-UI (2016-2018).
  • Lecturer, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, the University of Indonesia (August 2006 – present).
  • Researcher, Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM FEB-UI). Research Group: Macroeconomics and Trade Policy November 2014-2017)
  • Team Member, Strategic Assessment Working Group(SAWG), cooperation between Harvard Kennedy School of Government (HKS), Cambridge, Asia Program with Rajawali Foundation (2009).
  • Researcher, Laboratory of Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, the University of Indonesia (LABIE-FEUI) (August 2003 – 2008).
  • Experimental and Behavioral Economics
  • Industrial Economics
  • Development Economics
  1. The effect of Village Electricity In Indonesia, PLN and LPEM FEB UI,
  2. Enhancing Digital Inclusion in Indonesia, Asia Competitiveness Institute, LKYPP, NUS, ongoing.
  3. ASEAN Digital Economy, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), ongoing.
  4. Understanding Incentives and Barriers of Adopting Food Certification between Businesses and Slaughterhouses in Indonesia, JPAL-SEA, 202
  5. Identifying Growth Barriers of MSMEs in E-Commerce, JPAL-SEA, 2020-2022
  6. Why Don’t People Save in Laku Pandai Agent, JPAL-SEA and LPEM FEB UI, 2020-2022
  7. Impact of Merging Between Platforms: Gojek and Tokopedia Case, LPEM FEB UI, 2021
  8. The Role of Tokopedia in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic, Tokopedia and LPEM FEB UI, 2020.
  9. (Ecommerce) Journey on Achieving Economic Equality through Digitalization, Tokopedia and LPEM FEB UI, 2019.
  10. The Role and Impact of E-commerce in Formalizing Businesses: The Case of Indonesia, on progress, ERIA and LPEM FEB UI, 2019.
  11. Indonesia National Payment Gateway, LPEM FEB UI, 2017.
  12. Digital Financial Services in Indonesia: Cost of Access and Regulatory Review, LPEM FEB UI and Microsave, 2016 (On Progress).
  13. Improving Electricity Subsidy Design, BKF and GIZ, 2015.
  14. The measurement of E-money Industry Saturation, LPEM FEB UI and Bank Indonesia, 2015. Leaving for Ph.D., 2009.
  15. Strategic Assessment Working Group for Indonesia, Rajawali Foundation-Harvard Kennedy School of Government, 2009.
  16. Evaluation on Rice for the Poor Program 2007, The State Logistics Agency (Bulog), 2007.
  17. Blueprint of Architecture of Financial System in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia,
  1. Industrial location policy, exporting activity, and firms’ tacit collusive behavior: scrutinizing the unintended effect of industrial location policy in Indonesia, with Ashintya Damayati, Muhammad H. Yudhistira, and Teguh Dartanto, Journal of International Business and Economics. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, 1-44, 2024.
  2. Who is chronically obese in Indonesia? The role of individual preferences, with Affandi Ismail. Journal of Biosocial Science, October 2023.
  3. Parent’s risk preference and childhood vaccination: evidence from Indonesia, with Farah Diza and Pyan Amin. Journal of Public Health Policy, 43(4): 659–669. 2022.
  4. Having Exams During Ramadan: The Case of Indonesia, with Pyan Amin, Natanael WGM, and Sean Hambali. Economics and Human Biology, 47, 2022.
  5. Information technology and local conflict: evidence from Indonesia, with MH Yudhistira, N Khairina, and Teguh Dartanto. Conflict, Security & Development 21 (6), 831-848, 2021.
  6. Is Motorcycle E-hailing Welfare Improving, with A. Hedya Ryzkita and Sean Hambali. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 9(2), 784-795, 2021.
  7. When Prime Depositors Run on The Banks: A Behavioral Approach, with Natanael WGM. Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking, 23(1), 139 – 152, 2020.
  8. Competition and Mobile Network Operator’s Investment Relationship: A Firm Level Empirical Evidence for Developing Countries., with Kasmad Ariansyah. Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, 7(4), 17-32, 2019.
  9. Experiments on Lotteries for Shrouded and Bundled Goods: Investigating the Economics of Fukubukuro, with Alistair Munro. Japanese Economic Review, Vol 70(2), 168-188, 2019.
  10. Islamic Precept for Happiness: Religiosity and Spouses’ Characteristics in Indonesia, with Siti Nur Rosifah, and Vici Andalusia Husni. Intenational Journal of Bussiness and Society, 20 S1, p. 19-28, 2019
  11. Effect of Individual Risk Preference on the Choice between Public and Private Sector Employment in Indonesia, with IGAA Apsari Anandari. Intenational Journal of Bussiness and Society, 20 S1, p. 177-196, 2019.
  12. Rice Import Liberalization and Rural Poor: Case study of Pedes Sub-district, Karawang Regency, West Java, with Milda Irhamni in ‘Trade and Poverty Reduction in the Asia Pacific Region’, Cambridge University, December 2009.
  1. Modernizing Official Statistics with Big Data: A Case on PODES, with Nandaru Annabil Gumelar, Muhammad Dhiya Ul-Haq, Riefhano Patonangi, Andhika Putra Pratama. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper. 2020.
  2. The Sky in Blues: On the Recent Development of Indonesian Airlines Industry, with Regi Kusumaatmadja, Natanael Waraney Gerald Massie, and Alvin Ulido Lumbanraja, Sean Hambali, & Devina Anindita. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper. 2019.
  3. Financial Technology in Indonesia: A Fragmented Instrument for Financial Inclusion? with Lovina Aisha, and Natanael WGM. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper. 2019.
  4. Does Deposit Insurance Matter? Behavioral Evidence from Indonesia, with Natanael WGM. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper. 2018.
  5. Toward Higher Financial Inclusion Rate: Service Quality, Costs Of Access, And Awareness, with Prani Sastiono & Faradina Alifia Maizar & Pyan Amin & Nanda Puspita & Wahyu Pramono & Christine Tjen. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper, June 2018.
  6. ICT Capital Spending, ICT Sector, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indonesian Firm-Level Data, with Faisal Rachman, Ashintya Damayati, Nia Kurnia, and Moslem Afrizal. LPEM FEB-UI Working Paper, October 2017.
  1. Menilik Rencana IPO GoTo, id, July 5th, 2021
  2. Deposit Market Concentration and Interest Rate, The Jakarta Post, February 25th, 2016.
  3. Monthly Inflation Report, since February 2015
  4. Kutukan Krisis dan Dosa Asal Instrumen Keuangan, Harian Republika, October 15th, 2008.
  1. Enhancing Digital Inclusion in ASEAN, Asia Competitiveness Institute, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, June 2023. (Speaker)
  2. Digitalisasi Ekonomi dan Keuangan di Indonesia: Peluang dan Tantangan. Journey to LPS Research Fair II. LPS, 2022. (Speaker)
  3. How to Navigate Digitalized Economy: Understanding Economic Agents Behaviour. SESMUBI, Bank Indonesia, 2022. (Speaker)
  4. Perubahan Lingkungan Strategis (Era Digital) dan Dampaknya Terhadap Perilaku Economics Agents dan Central Bank, SESPIBI, Bank Indonesia, 2021. (Speaker)
  5. Jury for TPKAD Award 2021, 2021.
  6. Peranan Fintech dalam Transformasi dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional, Indonesia Fintech Society, November 9, 2020. (Speaker)
  7. Fintech for financial inclusion across Indonesia, The Jakarta Post, 2020. (Speaker)
  8. Digitizing Services Sectors in the Pandemic Era, Indonesia Service DialoGue Council, September 22, 2020. (Panelist)
  9. ADBI Policy Maker E-Training: Financial Inclusion in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Bank Institute, September 15, 2020. (Discussant)
  10. Seminar Nasional Riset Kebijakan Perbankan, OJK, November 28, 2019. (Main Speaker)
  11. Seminar Hasil Survei Nasional Keuangan Inklusif 2018, DNKI, September 9, 2019. (Discussant)
  12. Hasil Survey Nasional Keuangan Inklusif 2018, SNKI, September 11, 2019. (Reviewer)
  13. The First Workshop of Reaping the Benefits of Digital Economy, ERIA Bangkok, Thailand, March 21-22, 2019. (Speaker)
  14. FGD on ASEAN Ownership and Control Liberalization, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, March 13, 2019. (Presenter)
  15. Research Dive on Financial Inclusion, Pulse Lab, November 25-28, 2018. (Presenter and Discussant)
  16. Payment System Innovation in Digital Economy Era, Indonesia Block-chain Association, November 14th, 2018. (Speaker)
  17. The Role of Financial Technology for SME Development in Asian Economies, LPEM-ADBI-GraSPP Tokyo, November 7th, 2018. (Speaker)
  18. Review on E-commerce Industry in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia, October 30th, 2018. (Reviewer)
  19. Digital economy & Creative Content Forum: The Future of Our Creative Content Industry, BEKRAF-APROFI-MPA, May 3rd, 2018. (Speaker)
  1. Experimental and Behavioral Economics Lab., University of York, October 27-28, 2019
  2. Study on Fintech and E-commerce, ADB Institute, December 19-23, 2018
  3. Financial Inclusion Program in Indonesia: Evidence from Aceh and NTB, GRIPS, May 17-19th, 2018
  1. Basic Course : Social & Behavioral Research, CITI Program, September 22, 2020.
  2. Econometric Methods for Less than Ideal Situations by ANU Indonesia Project, IRSA, July 20-21, 2019.
  3. JPAL Europe Executive Education Course, JPAL Europe, August 29-September 2nd, 2016
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