Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Economics and Finance in Indonesia (EFI)

September 6, 2013



Economics and Finance in Indonesia is published with financial support from the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (LPEM FEBUI). Neither the Institute nor the University takes responsibility for the views expressed by the authors.

The journal was established in 1948, and initially named “Maandblad voor Financien“, then re-named “Economics and Finance in Indonesia – Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia (EKI)”. The journal provides an outlet for the publication of quality research papers on the Indonesian economy. To communicate the findings of research of Indonesia economists to a wider international economic readership, LPEM FEBUI decided to transform the journal into a peer-reviewed journal which only publishes articles in English, named Economics and Finances in Indonesia (EFI). It is hoped that this new journal, can serve as a suitable forum for a fruitful academic exchange between Indonesian economists and their overseas colleagues.

See latest edition availabe of EFI  Website or Ideas RePect:

Info: the new website of EFI

Attention Authors: Change of Server for Journal Website

We are informing you that there has been a change of server for the journal’s website. As a result, all current submissions will need to be resubmitted to the new website.

Please note that the old website (http://efi.ui.ac.id) is no longer in use. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but we are pleased to announce that the transition to the new server is now complete.

In the future, please use the new website (https://scholarhub.ui.ac.id/efi/) to submit any new papers or to check the status of your current submission.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition period. We look forward to receiving your submissions on the new website.

Editorial Board

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