Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Proyek Penelitian Dengan BUMN

Maret 21, 2014

  1. Depot  BBM di Kota Dumai
    Subsidized Fuel Depots in Dumai City

  2. Dampak Ekonomi Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok
    Economic Impact of the Port of Tanjung Priok

  3. Survei Karakteristik dan Kebutuhan Nasabah UMKM dengan Limit Pembiayaan Rp. 100 Juta s.d Rp. 1 Miliar
    The Survey of SME on Customer Characteristics and Its Needs with Financing Limit between Rp. 100 million up to Rp. 1 billion

  4. Dampak Kenaikan Tarif Listrik terhadap Competitiveness Bisniss dan Industri
    The Impact of Increasing Electricity Tariff on Business and Industry Competitiveness

  5. Keekonomian Alokasi Gas untuk Kelistrikan dan Industri di Medan
    Economics Allocation for Electricity and Gas Industry in Medan

  6. Pandangan Sektor Industri
    Industrial Outlook

  7. Survei Kelas Menengah
    Middle Class Survey 

  8. Kemandirian PT. PLN Tarakan
    The Independence of PT. PLN Tarakan

  9. Optimalisasi Operasi Mobil Tangki
    The Optimization of Tank Cars Operation

  10. Pembaharuan Indeks LEI/CEI
    Updating LEI/CEI Index

  11. Pemetaan Pelaku Usaha di PIK Penggilingan Jakarta Timur
    Mapping of Business Actors in PIK Penggilingan East Jakarta

  12. Studi Analisis Biaya Manfaat untuk Proyek Baru Balongan Refinery
    Cost & Benefit Analysis Study for New Refinery Project – Balongan

  13. Analisis Evaluasi Kebijakan Pencabutan Capping – Kajian Tarif Dasar Listrik Industri
    Evaluation Analysis on Capping Revocation Policy – The Study of Basic Electricity Rates for Industry

  14. Survey Kemampuan & Kemauan Bayar Pelanggan/Calon Pelanggan utk LNG Medan
    The Survey of Ability & Willingness to Pay of LNG Customer/Prospect in Medan

  15. Studi Kelayakan Investasi di Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur
    Feasibility Study of Investment in West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara

  16. Survey Kemampuan dan Kemauan Bayar Pelanggan/Calon Pelanggan untuk Gas Ex LNG Jawa Bagian Barat
    The Survey of Ability and Willingness to Pay Gas Ex LNG Customer / Prospect in West Region of Java

  17. Dampak Tarif Dasar Listrik terhadap Makro, Sosial & UMKM
    The Impact of Basic Electricity Rates on Macro, Social & SMEs

  18. Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Listrik dari PT. INALUM ASAHAN bagi masyarakat Sumatera Utara dan sekitarnya
    Economic Power Utilization of PT. INALUM  for North Sumatra and surrounding communities

  19. Studi Analisis Dampak Kenaikan TDL Terhadap Inflasi dan Daya Saing Produk Nasional
    The Study of Impact Analysis on The Increasing Electricity against Inflation and National Product Competitiveness

  20. Dampak Ekonomi, Fiskal dan Sosial dari Proyek Integrated Steel Mill (ISM)
    The Impact of Economic, Fiscal and Social on Integrated Project Steel Mill (ISM)

  21. Studi Pengaruh Harga Gas Terhadap Biaya Produksi dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
    The Impact of Gas Price on Production Cost and Economic Growth

  22. Pembuatan Model Leading Economic Index (LEI) / Coincidence Economic Index (CEI) Bank Mandiri
    Leading Economic Index (LEI) / Coincidence Economic Index (CEI) Model for Bank Mandiri

  23. Kajian Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Lahan
    Economic Assessment of Land Utilization

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