Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Mengkaji Janji Politik Capres dan Wakilnya (Labour Market Brief, Jan 2024)

Januari 31, 2024

With a spirit of renewal and high hopes, we welcome the 2024 elections in Indonesia. This election is important in determining the direction of national leadership for the next five years, and in shaping important policies, including in the employment sector which is an important pillar in our country’s economic and social development.

Amid global challenges and dynamic demographic changes, social welfare, including employment, poverty, and social protection, has become an urgent and relevant topic. The increasing number of the workforce, the need for skills that change with technological advances, and the issues of unemployment and inequality are some of the many aspects we have to face. Therefore, we need to understand and analyze the vision and work programs put forward by presidential candidates regarding this topic. This edition of the labor market brief aims to explain several work programs of the three presidential candidate pairs which can be summarized from several major news reports.

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