Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

With inflation declining considerably in April to the lower bound of BI inflation target, thus easing inflationary concern, we expect Bank Indonesia to remain focused on growth rate and external pressure on Rupiah in setting policy rate. We maintain our view of unchanged policy rate in the near term, since Bank  Indonesia still have to...
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BPS mencatat deflasi (umum) sebesar 0,45% (mtm) atau 3,6% (yoy) pada bulan April 2016. Deflasi bulan April disebabkan oleh penurunan harga pangan karena sudah memasuki musim panen dan penurunan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) jenis premium dari Rp 6.950 per liter menjadi Rp 6.450 per liter dan solar dari Rp 5.650 per liter menjadi Rp...
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Highlight Plan to ditch BI Rate, a non-transactional policy rate, and adopting the BI 7-day Repo rate is a very good move towards a more confident and transparent guide by BI in the market. In the RDG meeting today, BI should keep the policy rates unchanged. Bank Indonesia should hold its policy rates on Thursday...
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Highlights 2016 Q1 GDP to grow at about 5.2% (yoy) and 2016 GDP to grow at 5.2-5.4% (yoy) Foreign investments led 2016 Q1 growth,consumption growth to continue at a moderate pace Current account deficit will be higher than 2015 2016 inflation to be within BI’s target, higher than 2015
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(Prasaran ini hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.) Adrianna Bella and Teguh Dartanto Abstract: PWD are more likely to have a lower socioeconomic status and a couple of disadvantages due to earning and conversion handicap. Involving PWD on the development agenda will expedite the progress of poverty reduction; however, there is still a low prioritization of poverty...
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BPS mencatat inflasi (umum) sebesar 0,19% (mtm) atau 4.45% (yoy) pada bulan Maret 2016.  Inflasi bulan Maret ini boleh dikatakan sebagai anomali oleh karena tidak mengikuti pola umum mean-reversal harga barang bergejolak yang biasanya memiliki pola 3-4 bulan. Inflasi bulan Maret menyebabkan pola penurunan inflasi hanya terjadi selama dua bulan yaitu bulan Januari dan Februari....
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