Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Join us at The LPEM’s conference on Economics and Finance in Indonesia. Register at nia.kurnia@lpem-feui.org
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In a perfect world, current macroeconomic situation would have given BI some space to ease monetary policy. Year-to-date inflation hovers at 2.16%, well below BI’s lower-end target, while the trend of slowdown in growth seems to have bottomed out. This, however, is not a perfect world. We expect BI to maintain its policy rates (Repo...
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(Prasaran ini hanya tersedia dalam bahasa Inggris.) Teguh Dartanto, Jahen Fachrul Rezki, Usman, Chairina Hanum Siregar, Hamdan Bintara, and Wahyu Pramono Abstract: The implementation of national health insurance in Indonesia since 2014 has brought out the ”missing middle” problem in which the non-poor informal sectors have remained uncovered from the health care due to self-enrollment....
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BPS mencatat deflasi (umum) sebesar 0.08% (mtm) pada bulan Oktober 2015.  Faktor utama penyebab deflasi adalah penurunan harga pada kelompok bahan makanan sebesar -1.06% (mtm). Sesuai ekspektasi LPEM FEB UI, deflasi pada bulan Oktober 2015 merupakan pola lanjutan dari bulan September 2015.
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After years of high commodity prices since mid-2000s and, subsequently, quantitative easing policies in developed economies on an unprecedented scale, Indonesia—along with the rest of emerging markets —became complacent and failed to enact badly-needed structural reforms.
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