Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia


Januari 23, 2019


Travel demand restriction is getting popular to disentangle traf?c jams in heavily congested urban areas. The policy is easy to implement while reduction in congestion level is perceived to be substantial. We test this hypothesis by evaluating the impact of odd-even policy on congestion level in Jakarta, one of most severe congested cities in the world. Using hourly travel time data at road segment level drawn from GoogleMaps, the odd-even policy reduces the travel time by 3% on average after a month of its implementation. The effect is higher during weekend and at afternoon peak-hour  window.  Yet, the effect vanishes after the third week of policy introduction. Our result then sheds an indication of ineffective transport demand restriction in Jakarta.

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