Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Dr. Alin Halimatussadiah

Environmental Economics, Green Economy

Green Economy and Climate Change Studies (GECCS)

The research group is working on research in environmental and agriculture sector policies. The group also engages in environmental valuation assessment and green economy. The environmental economic research group (EERG) has been officially part of LPEM FEB UI since 2017. The EERG has been engages in various topics, including renewable energy transition, palm oil and biodiesel policy, valuation of environmental services, green growth, waste management, sustainable finance, public climate finance, sustainable fisheries, disaster & climate-resilient economy, and sustainable recovery agenda from COVID-19. The EERG has been persistently providing evidence-based recommendation, particularly for policy makers, to support sustainable policy trajectory in Indonesia.

Featured Projects

Here are some of the featured publications from this research study:

Project NameClient NameSummary
Southeast Asia Energy
Transition Partnership
(ETP) Round Tables
Amperes (Australia
Mekong Partnership
Environmental Resources
& Energy Systems)
The SEA-ETP is a multi-stakeholder platform that aims to accelerate energy transition in Southeast Asia. The SEA-ETP Rountable is a networking and peer-to-peer capacity building program led by The Australian National University (ANU) and the Australia-Mekong Partnership for Environmental Resources & Energy Systems (AMPERES) , that aims to provide an opportunity for the region’s energy transition stakeholders – in particular, mid-career policy makers from Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines and regional level bodies – to engage in an intensive roundtable series on the energy transition

As the local partner (in Indonesia), LPEM FEB UI Lead the development of Indonesia National Baseline Report on Power Sector and in charge as the local language focal point in assisting delivery of SEA-ETP Roundtables Series: Executive Trainings, Deep Dive Dialogues, and National Policy Dialogues. The National Baseline Report contains overview of the evolution of Indonesia Power Sector, description of the Indonesia’s power sector characteristics and governance landscape, and also contains of analysis of barriers, risks, and opportunities for Indonesia’s energy transition. The report highlights that some issues in financing and renewable investment, power sector’s governance and regulation, and some technical issues regarding grid capacity, stability, and connectivity, are some of key strategic issues on Indonesia’s energy transition. Then, together with with Indonesia Research Institute for Decarbonization (IRID) we also developed policy note that provide insights from Deep Dive Dialogues, which addressed the aforementioned key strategic issues and the proposed recommendations, including seek to provide sufficient finance and infrastructure for a resilient, reliable and affordable grid.
Greenpeace IndonesiaPolicy Paper: Policy Recommendations for Indonesia's energy transition to be in line with the 1.5ºC Scenario
This research project is motivated by Indonesia's commitment to participate in efforts to address climate change, as indicated in various planning documents. In the energy sector, Indonesia is committed to achieving a target of 23% for the new and renewable energy (NRE) mix by 2025 and 28% by 2038 (RUKN). However, in practice, Indonesia is still far from the stated targets. As of 2022, the NRE mix in the national energy sector only reached 14.1% (Handbook of Energy and Economic Statistics Indonesia). The high dependence on coal, both economically and due to political barriers, is one of the reasons Indonesia is trapped in a coal lock-in situation that hinders the energy transition in the country.

For the executive summary regarding the findings of this research, you can download it here

Past Research Projects

Here are some of the latest publications from this research study:

Working YearsClient NameProject NameWorking Time (In days)
2023Kementerian PerindustrianPenyusunan Roadmap Perdagangan Karbon30
2023Greenpeace IndonesiaPolicy Paper: Policy Recommendations for Indonesia's energy transition to be in line with the 1.5ºC Scenario
2023Copenhagen Business SchoolGoverning Green Transition : Barries and Enablers of Power Sector Reform in Indonesia60
2023KONEKSI/COWATER INTER.Inisiatif untuk Model Perubahan Iklim yang Terbuka, Inklusif dan Terintegrasi untuk Indonesia360
2023International Labour Office (ILO)Assesment on the Impact of Energy Transition on Job150
2023The David and Lucile Packard FoundationGeneral Support for Sustainability Agenda (2023-2025)720
2023Asosiasi Panasbumi Indonesia (INAGA-API)Regulatory Assessment to Promote Investment in Geothermal Power Plant in Indonesia180
2023Oxford UniverstiyAccelerating Green Finance in the Belt180
2023PT. Tirta InvestamaA Study on Danone-AQUA'S Virgin Plastic Footprint