MACROECONOMIC ANALYSIS SERIES: BI Board of Governor Meeting, October 2018
Rupiah took a paradoxical turn within the last month, where continued rapid depreciation was also followed by second monthly deflation in a row, defying
Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia
Rupiah took a paradoxical turn within the last month, where continued rapid depreciation was also followed by second monthly deflation in a row, defying
Pada bulan September 2018, deflasi tercatat sebesar 0,18% (mtm) atau inflasi sebesar 1,94% (ytd). Deflasi pada bulan September 2018 lebih tinggi dibandingkan deflasi
Abstract The online media has not only capture news at the national level but also deliver news on speci?c regions, either the province(s) or
Akhir Agustus hingga awal September ditandai dengan depresiasi Rupiah yang cukup tajam hingga hampir menyentuh titik Rp15.000, meskipun tekanan terhadap Rupiah saat ini sudah
Pada tanggal 17 September 2018 BPS menerbitkan Berita Resmi Statistik No. 74/09/Th.XXI tentang Perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor Indonesia bulan Agustus 2018. Trade and Industry
Abstract This study is focusing to analyze the implications of implementing the concept of function identi?cation in the intangible assets that is discussed in
Deflasi tercatat sebesar 0,05% (mtm) atau inflasi sebesar 2,13% (ytd) pada bulan Agustus 2018, lebih rendah dibandingkan bulan Juli 2018 di mana terjadi inflasi
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