Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Universitas Indonesia

Economics and Finance Indonesia 2005

Februari 22, 2014

Volume 53 No. 3

  1. Maxensius Tri Sambodo 
    The Environmental Kuznets Curve and The Causal Relationship between Carbon Dioxide Emissions and GDP per Capita in Indonesia, 1960 – 2000

  2. Mila Novita and Nachrowi Djalal Nachrowi
    Dynamic Analysis of The Stock Price Index and The Exchange Rate Using Vector Autoregression (VAR): An Empirical Study of The Jakarta Stock Exchange, 2001-2004

  3. Yoichiro Ishihara and Daan Marks 
    Capacity Utilization in Indonesia: Time to Invest

  4. Muhammad Zilal Hamzah and Abd. Ghafar B. Ismail
    A New Dimension in State Government Financing: Does It Generate Economic Growth?

  5. Ine Minara S. Ruky
    The Implementation of Competition Law: Competition Values, Does it Matter?

Volume 53 No. 2

  1. Jesse Darja, Daniel Suryadarma, Asep Suryahadi, and Sudarno Sumarto
    What Happened to Village Infrastructure and Public Services During The Economic Crisis in Indonesia?

  2. Ketut Kariyasa and M. O. Adnyana 
    Society’s Willingness to Pay (WTP) for Environmentally Sound Agricultural Development Programs

  3. Syarif Syahrial 
    Fiscal Decentralization and Government Size: The Case of Indonesia

  4. J. Thomas Lindblad 
    Structural Characteristics of Japanese Investment in Indonesia

  5. Yusuf Wibisono
    Technology and Convergence in Indonesia

Volume 53 No. 1

  1. Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro, Telissa Falianty, and Beta Y. Gitaharie 
    Determinant Factors of Regional Inflation in Decentralized Indonesia

  2. Chris Manning 
    Legislating for Labour Protection: Betting on The Weak or The Strong?

  3. Mohamad Ikhsan
    Rice Price Adjustment and Its Impact to The Poor

  4. Zamroni 
    Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade between Indonesia and Japan: A Case Study in Manufactured and Agricultural Products

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