Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Newsletter Vol. 03, No. 2 Juni 2023

Selamat datang di LPEM Newsletter Edisi Juni 2023. LPEM Newsletter merupakan buah pemikiran dan rangkuman kegiatan tim LPEM FEB UI. Edisi ini merupakan keluaran ketiga dan senantiasa akan diterbitkan setiap bulannya. Sejak 1953, LPEM FEB UI secara aktif telah melakukan kegiatan penelitian, konsultasi, dan pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembangunan di Indonesia. Kegiatan yang […]


LPEM FEB UI: Survei Konsumen Platform Digital Pasca Pandemi dan Dampak Penyatuan Perusahaan terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen, Studi Kasus GoTo.

Jakarta, Indonesia, 05 July 2023 — As economies reopened and offline activity resumed, Indonesian consumer spending for on-demand services and online shopping remained steady or increased, signaling a behavioral shift from pre-pandemic times, according to the findings of a survey by the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of […]

Press Release: Task Force 5 T20 India 2023 Side Event, Framework to Enhance Financing Capacity and Incentivize Natural Assets Preservation

BALI, 10 JUNE 2023. The T20 India, the Task Force 5 T20 India, the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI) and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia together hosted the Side Event of the T20 India titled “Building Bridges to Sustainable Finance: […]

Press Release: Task Force 5 T20 India 2023 Side Event, Long-term Development Investment Framework for LMICs

BALI, 10 JUNE 2022. On the heels of the T20 India, the Task Force 5 T20 India, the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI), and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia hosted the Side Event titled “Building Bridges to Sustainable Finance: The […]

Press Release: Task Force 5 T20 India 2023 Side Event, Reorienting International Financial Institutions to Meet Emerging Development Financing Challenges

BALI, 10 JUNE 2022. On the heels of the T20 India, the Task Force 5 T20 India, the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI), and the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Indonesia hosted the Side Event titled “Building Bridges to Sustainable Finance: The […]

Economic Analysis Series: Trade and Industry Brief, June 2023

Pada Desember 2022, Uni Eropa (UE) menyepakati pemberlakuan European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR). Secara normatif, kebijakan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk dari komitmen UE dalam memerangi deforestasi di dunia, sebagai salah satu implementasi dari “EU communication on stepping up EU action to protect and restore the world’s forests”, yang dicanangkan pada tahun 2019. Beberapa indikator […]


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