Institute for Economic and Social Research – Faculty of Economics and Business – Universitas Indonesia

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Newsletter Vol. 03, No. 3 July 2023

Selamat datang di LPEM Newsletter Edisi Juli 2023. LPEM Newsletter merupakan buah pemikiran dan rangkuman kegiatan tim LPEM FEB UI. Edisi ini merupakan keluaran ketiga dan senantiasa akan diterbitkan setiap bulannya. Sejak 1953,  LPEM FEB UI secara aktif telah melakukan kegiatan penelitian, konsultasi, dan pelatihan yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pembangunan di Indonesia. Kegiatan yang […]

Macroeconomic Analysis Series: Indonesia Economic Outlook Q3-2023

We would like to share LPEM’s Indonesia Economic Outlook Q3-2023. Available in both Indonesian and English, it contains our perspective on Indonesia’s economy with particular emphasis on the progress of GoI’s industrialization agenda. Following are the highlights of this edition of Indonesia Economic Outlook Q3-2023: Grew 5.03% (y.o.y) in Q1-2023, Indonesian economy has managed not […]

Macroeconomic Analysis Series: Monthly Inflation, August 2023

Year-on-year inflation (YoY) in July 2023 was 3.08%, a 0.44% decrease from annual inflation in June 2023. As a result, general YoY inflation has constantly declined since its peak in September 2022. Monthly general inflation was primarily due to the government-regulated price component, which spotted 8.42% YoY inflation. All sectors experienced YoY inflation except the information, […]

Labor Market Brief Volume 4, Number 7, July 2023

Expanding the scope of employment social protection still remain homework for the Indonesian government, especially in increasing the participation of non-wage recipient workers. With characteristics that tend to be vulnerable to shocks and have high risks, the non-contributory (Penerima Bantuan Iuran/ PBI) scheme needs to be a priority for implementation as a strategic step in increasing […]

pertumbuhan ekonomi

Press Release: Mendorong Pengembangan Indikator Pertumbuhan yang Inklusif dan Berkelanjutan

Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI) dan Sustainable Development Goals Hub UI (SDGs Hub UI) bekerjasama dengan International Institute for Sustainable Development Canada (IISD Canada) untuk melakukan studi terkait comprehensive wealth di Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengedepankan perhitungan pertumbuhan yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan dengan melihat indikator-indikator […]

Macroeconomic Analysis Series: BI Board of Governor Meeting, July 2023

The latest inflation figure eased and fell in the range of BI’s target of 3±1%. Other indicators, such as CCI and PMI, also showed that the domestic economy remained solid, with optimistic consumer expectations and producers standing above the expansionary territory. On the external side, the Fed’s decision to keep its rate unchanged has allowed […]

GSRAT Guidelines 2023

Perubahan iklim dan kebijakan penanganannya memiliki dampak besar terhadap risiko fisik dan risiko transisi bagi perekonomian. Risiko fisik perubahan iklim melibatkan kerusakan langsung pada masyarakat, aset, dan aktivitas ekonomi berupa bencana alam atau kondisi cuaca ekstrim. The Global Systemic Risk Assessment Tool (G-SRAT) hadir sebagai portal data dan analitik yang membantu pemangku kepentingan dalam memahami […]


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